Croatia Innovation index

Croatia’s Innovation Growth: Advancing Through R&D Investments

Croatia’s R&D expenditures have steadily increased, reaching 1.43% of GDP in 2022, reflecting a commitment to fostering innovation and technological advancement. While specific data on patent filings is limited, ongoing investments in R&D underscore the nation’s focus on enhancing its innovation capacity.

Croatia’s innovation landscape is characterized by its research and development (R&D) expenditures and patent filings, which are key indicators of technological advancement and innovation capacity. 

2021: R&D expenditure was approximately 1.24% of GDP.

2022: The share of R&D expenditures in GDP increased to 1.43%

2023: Preliminary data indicates that R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP was 1.39%.

Specific data on the number of patents filed annually in Croatia is not readily available in the provided sources. For detailed statistics on patent filings, consulting the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) or the European Patent Office (EPO) would be advisable.



Croatia Investment in key sectors

Croatia has significantly increased its public spending on research and development (R&D), with an annual budget now reaching €350 million. This marks a substantial rise from approximately €260 million per year in 2013. However, this spending is still about half of the European Union's per capita average. To support innovation and economic growth, Croatia has introduced several initiatives aimed at strengthening its technology and education sectors.


Croatia Startup density

Croatia's startup ecosystem ranks 44th globally and 26th in Eastern Europe, reflecting its rising prominence. Startups like unicorns Infobip and Rimac Automobili contribute significantly, accounting for 4.1% of the national GDP. Diverse sectors, government support, and AI-focused education initiatives are driving innovation and shaping Croatia's tech-driven future. Croatia's startup ecosystem has experienced significant growth in recent years, positioning itself as a notable player in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. As of 2024, Croatia ranks 44th globally in terms of startup ecosystems, reflecting its growing influence in the international startup landscape. Within Eastern Europe, Croatia holds the 26th position, indicating a competitive standing among neighboring countries.


Croatia Funding volume

Croatia’s VC landscape has seen remarkable growth, with investments reaching €985 million in 2022—a 40% annual growth rate over five years. Key deals, like Rimac Automobili's $500 million investment, have bolstered this growth. With VC investments accounting for 0.65% of GDP, Croatia outperforms the CEE average, solidifying its position as a regional leader in venture funding.